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作者: 时间: 牛牛金花游戏大厅年04月10日 09:07 点击数:






作者简介:李莉(1976— )女,艺术学博士,武汉音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系教授(武汉 430060)。


Forty Years of Research on the History of Regional Music in China

Li Li

Abstract: The concept of Regional Music History was first launched in the 1980s, and the related research works have been going on for forty years. The regional music history researches in China have developed under the academic concepts of music historiography, ethnomusicology music anthropology), as well as historiography and anthropology in different periods, as result that appeared diversiform outputs. Upon the new contemporary historiographical concepts in the 21st century, the study of Chinese regional music history has gained its status which is gradually important in the Chinese music history research, and has become one of the representative signs of the all-round development of contemporary Chinese music historiography.

Key words: regional music historyhistory of Chinese music historiographyresearch historynew historiography







作者简介:白兰(1991— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系2021级博士研究生、佳木斯大学音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅舞蹈系讲师;陶亚兵(1959— ),男,文学博士,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系教授、博士生导师(哈尔滨 150028)。


Born in Harbin During the War of Liberation: The First Professional Dance Squad

Bai Lan, Tao Yabing

Abstract: During the War of Liberation, the Propaganda Squad of the Political Department of the Democratic Allied Forces of North-Eastern created the first professional dance troupe. Under the new historical conditions, the troupe inherited and developed the Red Dance of the Red Army and of the Yan’an period, absorbed the elements of city dance in Harbin. This dance troupe was active in creating and performing, they not only strengthened the cultural construction and heighten the struggle spirit for the army as their service for the troops and soldiers, but also propagandized the policy of land reformation to the people, inspired the youth to join the army enthusiastically, all above have consolidated the northeastern liberated area and contributed the victory of Liao-Shen Battle significantly. The appearance of the professional dance troupe is also a historical mark that professionalization of the PLA dance troupe.

Key words: liberation warPropaganda Squad of the Political Department of the Democratic Allied Forces of North-EasternHarbinprofessional dance troupe








作者简介:王珊珊(1995— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系2021级博士研究生;李然(1978— ),女,文学博士,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系教授(哈尔滨 150028)。


The First Talent Shines: A Study of Xue Fan’s Early Translations of Songs

——Symbolic Transformation and Dissemination

Wang Shanshan, Li Ran

Abstract: As first generation of foreign song interpreters after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Xue Fan show his first outputs in the Collections of Radio Songs published in Shanghai. Taking Xue Fan’s early translation works on the Collections as the research object, the author analyzes the translation skill of the symbolic text and scrutinizes the translations process that converting the music symbol to the sound symbol. Upon the two-dimensional analysis, the article explains how Xue Fan’s translations have been widely disseminated and have generated social significance from the perspective of communication semiotics.

Key words: Xue Fan 1934-2022); translated songssymbolic transformationdissemination







作者简介:蔡菲(1986— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系牛牛金花游戏大厅级博士生、信阳师范大学音乐与舞蹈牛牛金花游戏大厅副教授(哈尔滨 150028);田可文(1955—),男,武汉音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅教授、博士研究生导师,牛牛金花游戏大厅特聘教授(哈尔滨 150028)。


An Essay on the Wen & Wu Er Wu of the Sui Dynasty

Cai Fei, Tian Kewen

Abstract: Wen & Wu Er Wu Culture & Force Danceare kinds of Gagaku which was formed under institution of rites and music from Zhou dynasty. Since then, each part of Liu Dai Yue Wu Music and Dance from Six Generationshad been catalogued into Wen Dance and Wu Dance, which last as a tradition for the following dynasties. Although experienced evolution in Qin & Han Dynasties and decline in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, Wen & Wu Er Wu had been the core and canon of the court Gagaku. As Sui dynasty unified the country completely upon ended of the north and south war and division situation, there was a great significant music symposium, i.e. the well-known Kaihuang Suiwen Emperor Reign PeriodMusic Symposium, on the governmental norm idea which upon the remodeling the Gagaku institution by restoration of the past customs of the Han & Wei Dynasties, and the discussion in it promoted the Wen & Wu Er Wu Constitution spontaneously. Although the construction of the Wen & Wu Er Wu of the Sui dynasty traces its origin to the Zhou rituals, it seeks a path not only blending the northern and southern cultural traditions but also benefiting to the nation, so that the development of the Wen & Wu Er Wu of the Tang dynasty and even the later generations is an extension and creation of the norms and concepts of the dance system.

Key words: Sui DynastyYa Wu elegant dance]; Wen Wu cultural dance]; Wu Wu force dance







作者简介:王维(1978— )女,文学博士,上海音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅艺术学博士后,温州大学音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅教授(温州 325000)。


A Study of Hui Yuan’s Thought on Music Theory

Wang Wei

Abstract: Although Hui Yuan identify the independent status of the sound of Gāthā in his thesis of music, it actually based on the individual’s counting of breath and meditation. As embraced in Amitabha Buddha and Sukhvati where Buddha resides, Hui Yuan got the “inner observation of the mysterious sound that is affect the spirit” with Nembutsu Samadhi, prayed to hearing the sound of Amitabha Buddha arriving when meditating and contemplation, and hoped the sound will knock the door of the heart, so that the light will dispel the stagnant feelings and the stagnation of the human heart. Hui Yuan’s ultimate goal is to realize the spiritual guidance of the world through the power of transcendental divinity.

Key words: Hui Yuanthe sound of Gāthātranscendental divinityspiritual guidance









作者简介:赵雪吟(1994— ),女,韩国汉阳大学音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系第4期博士生在读;金京花(Kyoung Hwa Kim,1977-),女,哲学博士,韩国汉阳大学音乐大学副教授。


The Musical Embodiment of “Feminine Writing”

——A Study of Female Characters in Ethel Smith’s The Wreckers

Zhao Xueyin, Kim Kyung-hwa

Abstract: Ethel Smith’s The Wreckers broke the stereotyped way of creating female images as “angels” and “wicked women” that were portrayed by male composers in the operas before it. She rejected the aesthetic standard of female characters which was in male composers’ hand by the approach of feminine writing. The author analyzes the “Female Voice” in the music from the views of analysis of the female character, the intention and techniques of the composer.

Key words: Ethel Mary Smyth 1858-1944); The Wreckers Opera analysisFeminismFeminine writing






关键词:格林卡;歌剧;《鲁斯兰与柳德米拉》(Russlan and Ludmilla);插叙;情爱

作者简介:曹烨程(1990— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅牛牛金花游戏大厅级音乐学系博士生(哈尔滨 150028);杨九华(1963— ),男,文学博士,浙江音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅教授(杭州 310024)。


On the Interstitial as Love Core in the Opera Russlan and Ludmilla

Cao Yecheng, Yang Jiuhua

Abstract: Russlan and Ludmilla, which adapted by Russian composer Glinka from Pushkin’s long narrative poem, is an opera with drastic and impassioned plot, as well as the national flavor style highlight the individuality of music. Furthermore, the ideological implications in it imply human love, so the article focuses on the interstitial passage the reminiscences of the mage Finn), which is controversial, to discuss the dramatic connotation, love imagery, and musical implication in it. Upon the scrutiny of above three aspects, the author dialectically interpreted the humanistic expression in the early Russian opera which demonstrated by three contradictions in the interstitial passage, i.e. the reasonableness and abruptness of dramatic function, the irony and eulogy of character’s emotion, and the panoply of love and affection of musical implication.

Key words: GlinkaoperaRusslan and Ludmilla interstitiallove affair








作者简介:王随缘(1998— ),女,上海师范大学音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅艺术学硕士;孙红杰(1980— ),男,文学博士,上海师范大学音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐理论系教授,上海音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅兼职教授(上海 200234)。


The Historiographical Significance of the Study on Performance Practice of Music Exploring the ‘Present of the Past’ Sustained by Performance Practice

Wang Suiyuan, Sun Hongjie

Abstract: For a long time, scholars have paid far more attention to music creation than to music performance, which is evident in the current writing of music history that focuses on composers and their works. Therefore, the historiographical value of music performance studies needs to be re-examined. To this end, this paper demonstrates the built-in and external guiding power of music performance on creation through specific historical factssubsequently, the reasons why performance has been neglected are analysed from both objective and subjective dimensions, on which the historiographical value of music performance research is further revealed. Ultimately, the paper suggests that performance studies would offer an ideal way of writing music history: by reinventing composition in the practice of musical performance - in this way, fleshing out musical works as processual, intertextual, and effectual events while safeguarding the subjectivity of the music in the overall historical narrative.

Key words: Music PerformanceHistorical writingPerformance PracticeThe history of musical composition







关键词:杜夫海纳(Mikel Dufrennne 1910-1995);现象学;意向性;存在方式;音乐表演文本

作者简介:单金龙(1981—),男,艺术学硕士,武汉音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系讲师(武汉 430060)。


On the Signified of Phenomenological Reduction of Dufrenne in the Aesthetic Experience of Music

Shan Jinlong

Abstract: Based on the discussion of the aesthetic perception theory of the interaction between subject and object in The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience by Dufrenne, namely pre-subject, quasi-subject, senseer, primary experience, historical experience and other aesthetic experiences, the article explains the aesthetic intentionality of music aesthetic subject. The author expounds the thinking form mechanism of aesthetic activityof sensory materials in experience and how to transform them into aesthetic images, and probes into the existence mode of music performance text under the concept of phenomenological reduction.

Key words: DufrennePhenomenologyIntentionalityExistence modeMusic performance text







作者简介:张婷婷(1991— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅艺术学系2019级博士研究生首都医科大学附属北京康复医院音乐治疗师;杜青青(1975— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅外聘博士生导师,哈尔滨师范大学教授(哈尔滨 150028)。


A Study of Brain-Neural Mechanism and Formal Experience of Music Psychological Aesthetics

Zhang Tingting, Du Qingqing

Abstract: As a research field of music psychological aesthetics, the experience of mechanism and form of brain neural is contributed in the penetrating the progress of perception and appreciation of music. Based on the analysis of influence of musical elements on aesthetic experience, the correlation between musical structure and emotional experience, as well as the influence of musical expression on listener’s experience, the article demonstrated the role of musical form on individual’s psychological response and emotional experience. The empirical study of music psychoaesthetics, including the experimental design and data analysis methods, and the comparison of music psychoaesthetics research among different subject groups, is used to explore the development and evolution of music psychoaesthetics. The conclusion shows that the research revealed the differences of music psychological aesthetics in different populations and time periods, at meanwhile provides both useful guidance for personalized music education and therapy, and references for further research.

Key words: music psychological aestheticsbrain neural mechanismsfunctional magnetic resonance imaging FMRI); formal experienceemotional experience




[俄]В.А.科罗廖娃 著, 顾伟泉 译



作者简介:Валентина Алексеевна Королёва1953— ),女,文化学博士,俄罗斯哈巴罗夫斯克国立文化牛牛金花游戏大厅文化学与博物馆学系主任、教授。俄罗斯国家科牛牛金花游戏大厅远东分院历史、考古与民族志研究所高级研究员、音乐学家,主要研究方向:俄罗斯远东音乐文化和戏剧史等。

译者简介:顾伟泉(1965— ),男,管理学硕士,牛牛金花游戏大厅图书馆馆长、研究馆员,东北民歌艺术促进会艺术顾问,中国图书馆学会阅读推广委员会艺术与阅读专业委员(哈尔滨 150028)。


Russian Musical Sinology from the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century to the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century: Historiographical Problems

By В.А.Korolyova Translated by Gu Weiquan

Abstract: This paper covers both Russian Research on Music of Chinese Studies and Chinese music cultural activities from 2nd part of 17th century till the beginning of 21st century), and then studies the historical issues of Russian Research on Music of Chinese Studies. The article holds that it is by strengthening the dialogue between musicians from various countries that the foundation of a common music culture space is established.

Key words: CultureHistory ArtMusicTheatreRussiaChinaFar East







作者简介:张智玲(1986— ),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系2020级博士研究生(哈尔滨154000);杨民康(1955— ),男,白族,文学博士,中国音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅特聘研究员,牛牛金花游戏大厅特聘教授,云南艺术牛牛金花游戏大厅特聘教授,中央音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅研究员,博士研究生导师(北京100031)。


The Construction of Imakan Music Culture: An Investigation within the Classicization

Zhang Zhiling, Yang Minkang

Abstract: Imakan, as a speech & sing music genre of Hezhen, has gone through the classicization progress from the led by insiders as spontaneous to be led by the cooperation of insiders and outsider as planned. Starting from the external factors of classicization, the article analyzes the classicization structure of Imakan from inside to outside, and from traditional text to modern text, focusing on the classicization construction led by outsiders in the four aspects of non-heritage protection, collation and research, teaching materials and ceremonial performances, furthermore, analyzes cultural behaviors in the three dimensions of mass choice, constructing identity and marketing. Explanations of the paths of classicization of contemporary Imakan from the perspective of classicization will assitiant the inheritance, development and innovation of the current Imakan.

Key words: HezhenImakanraptraditional musicclassicizationconstruction




——以《Folklore Mongol》(1960年版)中的曲调文本为例


 要:文章以《Folklore Mongol》(1960年版)中收录的《宝迪莫尔根罕》胡仁·乌力格尔音乐的曲调文本为研究对象,分析其乐谱文本和胡尔奇的创作技法,探析罗布:婧·乌力格尔音乐的多样性特征;并通过介绍和挖掘域外学者所搜集整理的文本资料,为当代民族音乐研究提供参考。


作者简介:楚高娃(1982—),女,蒙古族,法学博士,中央民族大学音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅教师,副教授,硕士研究生导师(北京 100081)。


A Primary Research on the Diverse Characteristics of the Music of Khuren-Uligar in Robesan Khurki’s Baudimorgenhan

——The Example of Tune Texts in Folklore Mongol (1960 Edition)

Chu Gaowa

Abstract: The article takes the tune of Bao Di Morgenhan Khuren-Uligar music collected in Folklore Mongol 1960 editionas the object of study, analyzes its score as text and Hu’erqi compositional techniques, and explores the diversity characteristics of Robesan Hu’erqi Khuren-Uligar music. Through the introduction and excavation of textual materials collected and compiled by extraterritorial scholars, it will provide a reference for the study of contemporary ethnomusicology.

Key words: U. RobsangBaodi MorgenhanKhuren-Uligar musicdiversity







作者简介:李思囡(1980— ),女,艺术学博士,牛牛金花游戏大厅作曲系副教授、硕士生导师(哈尔滨 150028)。


A Reivew of 牛牛金花游戏大厅 Annual Conference of Composition and Theory Society of China Musicans Association, 90th Anniversary of Wang Lisan’s Birth Symposium on His Piano and Chamber Composition

Li Sinan

Abstract: 牛牛金花游戏大厅 Annual Conference of Composition and Theory Society of China Musicans Association, 90th Anniversary of Wang Lisan’s Birth Symposium on His Piano and Chamber Composition were held on December 6th-9th, 牛牛金花游戏大厅 at the Harbin Conservatory of Music. The meeting was divided into three main sections: the annual meeting conference of society, seminar academic exchanges, concert. More than 100 experts, scholars and students from the Conservatories of Music, Art Academies and Music Colleges in Universities all over China participated in this event. The two conferences present the new achievements of current piano and chamber music creation in China, and promote mutual exchanges between composers, performers and music theorists.

Key words: China Musicians AssociationComposition and Theory SocietyWang LisanPiano and Chamber Music CompositionSymposiumSynthesis



救亡”· 四新





作者简介:黄雯倩(1994—),女,牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系2021级博士研究生;王岩(1976—),女,文学博士,牛牛金花游戏大厅教授、博士生导师(哈尔滨 150028)。


A Review of 牛牛金花游戏大厅 International Symposium on History of National Salvation Music in Northeast

Huang Wenqian, Wang Yan

Abstract: On December 1st-3rd, 牛牛金花游戏大厅, the 牛牛金花游戏大厅 International Symposium on History of National Salvation Music in Northeast was successfully held at the Harbin Conservatory of Music. Scholars from China, Japan and Korea presented the phenomena of music culture in the occupied areas with their different professional horizon, and discussed the complex circumstance and special significance of music culture in the historical stage which took salvation as the great aims.

Key words: Northeast of ChinaSalvationMusic HistorySymposiumReview




[俄]奥·乌萨乔娃 著,胡银姣 译,彭  程 校订



作者简介:·乌萨乔娃(О.Усачёва,1972— ),女,教育学(音乐)博士,临沂大学俄罗斯音乐研究所副教授、副所长(山东临沂 276000)。

译者简介:胡银姣(1996— ), 女,上海音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐学系2021级硕士研究生(上海 200031)。

校订简介:彭程(1974— ),男,艺术学博士,上海音乐牛牛金花游戏大厅音乐艺术研究院研究员(上海 200031)。


A Review of the International Symposium “Chinese Music Culture and Russia” in Moscow

Original author: О.Усачёва, Translator: Hu Yinjiao, Proofreader: Peng Cheng

Abstract: The International Chinese Musical Culture and Russia Symposium was held in September 牛牛金花游戏大厅 at the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow, Russia, with the participation of dozens of music scholars from both countries. The conference focused on the exchange and interaction between China and Russia in the field of music culture and music education, the traces of Chinese culture in Russian and Soviet music, and the current status and prospects of research in the field of music in both countries. Within the framework of the symposium, a series of academic and artistic events were held, including the launch of a new book by Russian-Chinese composer Zuo Zhenguan, An Introduction to Chinese Music Culture, and a concert of traditional and contemporary Chinese works.

Key words: China-Russia relationsChinese music cultureRussiainternational music exchangeseminar 



